

发布人:     发布日期: 2022-09-19    浏览次数:

杨海水 教授/博士生导师

Email: yanghaishui@njau.edu.cn


1) 耕作制度:主要围绕高产集约型水旱轮作制的土壤耕作技术与原理,重点研究新型耕层结构优化技术及其对耕层土壤生态过程的影响及机理;

2) 农田生态:主要围绕高产集约型水旱轮作制,研究土壤功能生物类群驱动的碳氮磷养分循环和可持续作物生产功能反馈。

3) 生态循环农业主要围绕农业废弃物的资源化利用,研发生态农业相关技术与产品。



2020.12-至今  ylg8099官方网站,教授

2015.12-2020.11 ylg8099官方网站,副教授

2017.11-2018.11 美国俄克拉荷马大学,访问学者;

2013.7-2015.12 ylg8099官方网站,讲师。



2008.9-2013.6 浙江老员工命科学学院,生态学专业 博士;

2004.9-2008.6 电子科技老员工命科学与技术学院,生物技术专业 本科。







国家自然科学基金面上项目 (No.31770483):秸秆还田条件下蚯蚓-菌根互作对麦田N2O排放的驱动机理;

国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作交流项目 (No.31811530008):中-瑞小麦氮素获取的根系分化与菌根形成权衡策略研究;


江苏省自然科学基金面上项目 (No. BK20191310):秸秆还田条件下稻麦两熟作物氮素获取的根际驱动机理。


[1] Haishui Yang, Chun Fang, Yifan Li, Yongcheng Wu, Petra Fransson, Matthias C. Rillig,Silong Zhai, Junjie Xie, Zongyi Tong, Qian Zhang, Mohamed S. Sheteiwy, Fengmin Li, Martin Weih. Temporal complementarity between roots and mycorrhizal fungi drives wheat nitrogen use efficiency. New Phytologist, 2022, doi: 10.1111/nph.18419.

[2] Haishui Yang, Chun Fang, Yi Meng, Yajun Dai, Jian Liu. Long-term ditch-buried straw return increases functionality of soil microbial communities. Catena, 2021, 202: 105316

[3] Haishui Yang, Jiajia Zhou, Martin Weih, Yifan Li, Silong Zhai, Qian Zhang, Weiping Chen, Jian Liu, Ling Liu, Shuijin Hu. Mycorrhizal nitrogen uptake of wheat is increased by earthworm activity only under no-till and straw removal conditions. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 155: 103672

[4] Haishui Yang, Yifan Li, Silong Zhai, Chun Fang, Jian Liu, Qian Zhang. Long term ditch-buried straw return affects soil fungal community structure and carbon-degrading enzymatic activities in a rice-wheat rotation system. Applied Soil Ecology, 2020, 155:103660

[5] Haishui Yang, Mingmin Xu, Yifan Li, Chaofan Xu, Silong Zhai, Jian Liu. The impacts of ditch-buried straw layers on the interface soil physicochemical and microbial properties in a rice-wheat rotation system. Soil & Tillage Research, 2020, 202:104656.

[6] Haishui Yang, Jinxia Feng, Martin Weih, Yi Meng, Yifan Li, Silong Zhai, Wuyi Zhang. Yield reduction of direct-seeded rice under straw return can be mitigated by appropriate water management improving soil phosphorus availability. Crop & Pasture Science, 2020, 71: 134-146.

[7] Haishui Yang, Yi Meng, Jinxia Feng, Yifan Li, Silong Zhai, Jian Liu. Direct and indirect effects of long-term ditch-buried straw return on soil bacterial community in a rice-wheat rotation system. Land Degradation and Development, 2020, 31: 851–867.

[8] Haishui Yang, Jiajia Zhou, Jinxia Feng, Silong Zhai, Weiping Chen, Jian Liu, Xinmin Bian. Ditch-buried straw return: a novel tillage practice combined with deep ploughing and tillage rotation in rice-wheat rotation systems. Advances in Agronomy, 2019, 154: 257-290

[9] Haishui Yang, Degui Yu, Jiajia Zhou, Silong Zhai, Xinmin Bian, Martin Weih. Rice-duck co-culture for reducing negative impacts of biogas slurry application in rice production systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 2018, 213: 142-150

[10] Haishui Yang, Silong Zhai, Yifan Li, Jiajia Zhou, Ruiyin He, Jian Liu, Yaguang Xue, Yali Meng. Waterlogging reduction and wheat yield increase through long-term ditch-buried straw return in a rice-wheat rotation system. Field Crops Research, 2017, 209: 189-197

[11] Haishui Yang, Qian Zhang, Roger T. Koide, Jason D. Heoksema, Jianjun Tang, Xinmin Bian, Shuijin Hu, Xin Chen. Taxonomic resolution is a determinant of biodiversity effects in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities. Journal of Ecology, 2017, 105: 219-228

[12] Haishui Yang, Jianglai Xu, Yi Guo, Roger T. Koide, Yajun Dai, Mingmin Xu, Liping Bian, Xinmin Bian, Qian Zhang. Predicting plant response to arbuscular mycorrhizas: The role of host functional traits. Fungal Ecology, 2016, 20: 79-83

[13] Haishui Yang, Jinxia Feng, Silong Zhai, Yajun Dai, Mingmin Xu, Junsong Wu, Mingxing Shen, Xinmin Bian, Roger T. Koide, Jian Liu. Long-term ditch-buried straw return alters soil water potential, temperature and microbial communities in a rice-wheat rotation system. Soil & Tillage Research, 2016, 163 (1): 21-31

[14] Haishui Yang, Roger T. Koide, Qian Zhang. Short-term waterlogging increases arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal species richness and shifts community composition. Plant and Soil, 2016, 404 (1): 373-384

[15] Haishui Yang, Bing Yang, Yajun Dai, Mingmin Xu, Roger T. Koide, Xiaohua Wang, Jian Liu, Xinmin Bian. Soil nitrogen retention is increased by ditch-buried straw return in a rice-wheat rotation system. European Journal of Agronomy, 2015, 69 (11): 53-58