发布人: 发布日期: 2021-09-10 浏览次数:
戴廷波,男,1969年12月生,博士、教授、博士生导师,公司党委书记。主要从事作物生理生态研究工作,重点研究小麦产量和品质形成生理生态机理与产质协调技术、小麦非生物逆境抗性生理生态机制与抗逆丰产技术、作物氮素高效利用生理生态机制与安全清洁生产技术。先后主持国家自然科学基金3项,国家科技支撑计划和农业部公益性行业专项课题3项,其他国家级和部省级科研项目15项。作为主要完成人获国家科技进步二等奖2项,教育部科技进步一等奖2项,江苏省科技进步一等奖1项,江苏省农业技术推广一等奖1项。发表国内外核心期刊论文150余篇(SCI收录论文30余篇)。获国家发明专利6项。2011年入选江苏省 “333高层次人才培养工程”培养对象。
[1] Shao Y. H., Li S. Y., Gao L. J., Sun C. J., Hu J. L., Ullah A., Gao J. W., Li X. X., Liu S. X., Jiang D., Cao W. X., Tian Z. W., Dai T. B*. Magnesium Application Promotes Rubisco Activation and Contributes to High-Temperature Stress Alleviation in Wheat During the Grain Filling. Frontiers in Plant Science, Jun, 2021, 12.
[2] Lei Kangqi, Sun Shuzhen, Zhong Kaitai, Li Shiyu, Hu Hang, Sun Chuanjiao, Zheng Qiaomei, Tian Zhongwei, Dai Tingbo*, Sun Jianyun. Seed soaking with melatonin promotes seed germination under chromium stress via enhancing reserve mobilization and antioxidant metabolism in wheat. Ecotox Environ Safe, 2021, 220 112241.
[3] Tian Zhongwei, Liu Xiaoxue, Yu Jinghong, Gu Shilu, Zhang Lei, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Early nitrogen deficiency favors high nitrogen recovery efficiency by improving deeper soil root growth and reducing nitrogen loss in wheat. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, Aug, 2020, 66 (10): 1384-1398.
[4] Tian Zhongwei, Ge Yaoxiang, Zhu Qing, Yu Jinhong, Zhou Qin, Cai Jian, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Soil nitrogen balance and nitrogen utilization of winter wheat affected by straw management and nitrogen application in the Yangtze river basin of China. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2019, 65 (1): 1-15.
[5] Hu Chenxi, Yu Jinghong, Sun Shuzhen, Yan Yanyan, Guo Hua, Tian Zhongwei, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Reduced 15N Losses by Winter and Spring Night-Warming Are Related to Root Distribution of Winter Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10 (771).
[6] Guo Hua, Tian Zhongwei, Sun Shuzhen, Li Yu, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Preanthesis Root Growth and Nitrogen Uptake Improved Wheat Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Agron J, 2019, 3 (6): 1-9.
[7] Gao Jingwen, Luo Qiuci, Sun Chuanjiao, Hu Hang, Wang Feng, Tian Zhongwei, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Low Nitrogen Priming Enhances Photosynthesis Adaptation to Water-Deficit Stress in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Seedlings. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10 (818).
[8] Cui Yakun, Tian Zhongwei, Hu Jinling, Shao Yuhang, Liu Ruixiang, Jiang Dong, Yuan Jianhua, Dai Tingbo*. Drought priming during the vegetative stage can enhance post-anthesis drought tolerance by improving photosynthetic capacity in winter wheat. Arid Land Res Manag, 2019/04/03, 2019, 33 (2): 183-199.
[9] Tian Zhongwei, Liu Xiaoxue, Gu Shilu, Yu Jinhong, Zhang Lei, Zhang Weiwei, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Postponed and reduced basal nitrogen application improves nitrogen use efficiency and plant growth of winter wheat. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018, 17 (12): 2648-2661.
[10] Hu Chenxi, Tian Zhongwei, Gu Shilu, Guo Hua, Fan Yonghui, Abid Muhammad, Chen Kai, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Winter and spring night-warming improve root extension and soil nitrogen supply to increase nitrogen uptake and utilization of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Eur J Agron, 2018, 96 96-107.
[11] Gao Jingwen, Wang Feng, Sun Jianyun, Tian Zhongwei, Hu Hang, Jiang Suyu, Luo Qiuci, Xu Yun, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Enhanced Rubisco activation associated with maintenance of electron transport alleviates inhibition of photosynthesis under low nitrogen conditions in winter wheat seedlings. J Exp Bot, 2018, 69 (22): 5477-5488.
[12] Gao Jingwen, Wang Feng, Hu Hang, Jiang Suyu, Muhammad Abid, Shao Yuhang, Sun Chuanjiao, Tian Zhongwei, Jiang Dong, Dai Tingbo*. Improved leaf nitrogen reutilisation and Rubisco activation under short-term nitrogen-deficient conditions promotes photosynthesis in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) at the seedling stage. Functional Plant Biology, 2018, 45 (8): 840-853.
[13] Fan Yonghui, Ma Chuanxi, Huang Zhenglai, Abid Muhammad, Jiang Suyu, Dai Tingbo*, Zhang Wenjing, Ma Shangyu, Jiang Dongguo, Han Xiao. Heat Priming During Early Reproductive Stages Enhances Thermo-Tolerance to Post-anthesis Heat Stress via Improving Photosynthesis and Plant Productivity in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018-June-13, 2018, 9 (805).
[14] Abid Muhammad, Tian Zhongwei, Zahoor Rizwan, Ata-Ul-Karim Syed Tahir, Daryl Chastain, Snider John L., Dai Tingbo*. Chapter Two - Pre-Drought Priming: A Key Drought Tolerance Engine in Support of Grain Development in Wheat. In Adv Agron, Sparks D. L., Ed. Academic Press: 2018; Vol. 152, 51-85.
[15] Abid Muhammad, Hakeem Abdul, Shao Yuhang, Liu Yang, Zahoor Rizwan, Fan Yonghui, Suyu Jiang, Ata-Ul-Karim Syed Tahir, Tian Zhongwei, Jiang Dong, Snider John L., Dai Tingbo*. Seed osmopriming invokes stress memory against post-germinative drought stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Environ Exp Bot, 2018, 145 12-20.
[16] Abid Muhammad, Ali Shafaqat, Kangqi Lei, Zahoor Rizwan, Tian Zhongwei, Jiang Dong, Snider John L., Dai Tingbo*. Physiological and biochemical changes during drought and recovery periods at tillering and jointing stages in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1): 1-15.
[17] Jiang Suyu, Sun Jianyun, Tian Zhongwei, Hu Hang, Michel Elena J. S., Gao Jingwen, Jiang Dong, Cao Weixing, Dai Tingbo*. Root extension and nitrate transporter up-regulation induced by nitrogen deficiency improves nitrogen status and plant growth at the seedling stage of winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Environmental & Experimental Botany, 2017, 141 28-40.
[18] Fan Yonghui, Tian Zhongwei, Yan Yanyan, Hu Chenxi, Abid Muhammad, Jiang Dong, Ma Chuanxi, Huang Zhenglai, Dai Tingbo*. Winter Night-Warming Improves Post-anthesis Physiological Activities and Sink Strength in Relation to Grain Filling in Winter Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8.
[19] Abid Muhammad, Shao Yuhang, Liu Sixi, Wang Feng, Gao Jingwen, Jiang Dong, Tian Zhongwei, Dai Tingbo*. Pre-drought priming sustains grain development under post-anthesis drought stress by regulating the growth hormones in winter wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.). Planta, 2017, 246 509–524