

发布人:     发布日期: 2018-02-07    浏览次数:







周琴,女,博士,作物栽培学与耕作学专业,南京农业大学ylg8099官方网站教授,博士研究生导师。主要研究方向是作物生理生态,重点围绕小麦产量品质形成机理、调优技术及籽粒加工开发利用等方面进行研究,阐析了不同品质类型小麦植株碳/氮积累和再转运的协同规律,研发了品质调优关键技术,集成了不同品质类型小麦产量品质协同提高技术体系。先后主持国家自然科学基金,国家重点研发计划课题、农业部公益性行业专项等科研项目。作为主要完成人获江苏省科学技术一等奖1项。以第一作者或通讯作者身份发表国内外核心期刊发表论文 近50 篇,其中 SCI 论文近20篇,参编著作3本,制定地方标准1份,获得授权专利10项。



1.    国家重点研发计划,弱筋小麦高产优质高效潜力实现的理论、途径与定向调控,起止时间:2016-2020。

2.    国家重点研发计划子课题,江淮东部稻-麦周年省工节本丰产增效关键技术研究与模式构建,起止时间:2016-2020。

3.    国家自然科学基金,小麦籽粒不同部位贮藏蛋白积累的空间变异特征及其对施氮差异响应的生理机理,起止时间:2015-2018。

4.    国家自然科学基金,酸雨胁迫对小麦结实及胚乳发育的影响及生理机制,起止时间:2012-2015。

5.    国家自然科学基金,小麦籽粒麦谷蛋白大聚合体(GMP)粒度分布特征及形成机理,起止时间:2008-2010。

6.    公益性行业(农业)科研专项子课题,江淮分水岭优势特色作物生产关键技术研究与示范,起止时间:2014-2018

7.    2012年度中央高校基本科研业务费子项目,起止时间:2012-2016。



(1) Tao Yang , Pei Wang , Fan Wang , Qin Zhou *, Xiao Wang , Jian Cai , Mei Huang , Dong Jiang **. Influence of starch physicochemical properties on biscuit-making quality of wheat lines with high-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) absence. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2022, 158: 113166

(2) Tao Yang, Qin Zhou *, Qi Wang, Xiao Wang, Jian Cai, Mei Huang, Dong Jiang. Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on quality characteristics of wheat with the absence of different individual high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GSs). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2022 .

(3) 刘丰,蒋佳丽,周琴*,蔡剑,王笑,黄梅,仲迎鑫,戴廷波,姜东*.美国软麦籽粒品质变化趋势及对我国弱筋小麦标准达标度分析.2022

(4) Tao Yang, Pei Wang*, Qin Zhou*, Xiao Wang, Jian Cai, Mei Huang, Dong Jiang, Investigation on the Molecular and Physicochemical Changes of Protein and Starch of Wheat Flour during Heating, Foods, 2021,10(6)1419

(5) Baoqiang Zhenga, Xiangqian Zhang, Qi Wang, Wenyang Li, Mei Huang, Qin Zhou,*, Jian Cai, Xiao Wang, Weixing Cao, Tingbo Dai, Dong Jiang*. Increasing plant density improves grain yield, protein quality and nitrogen agronomic efficiency of soft wheat cultivars with reduced nitrogen rate[J]. Field Crops Research, 2021,267:108145.

(6) Baoqiang Zheng, Qian Fang, Chenxu Zhang, Hemat Mahmood, Qin Zhou*, Wenyang Li, Xiangnan Li, Jian Cai, Xiao Wang, Yingxin Zhong, Mei Huang, Weixing Cao, Tingbo Dai, Dong Jiang,* Reducing nitrogen rate and increasing plant density benefit processing quality by modifying the spatial distribution of protein bodies and gluten proteins in endosperm of a soft wheat cultivar. Field Crops Research, 2020,253, 107831

(7) Baoqiang Zheng, Hong Zhao, Qin Zhou*, Jian Cai, Xiao Wang, Weixing Cao,Tingbo Dai, Dong* Jiang. Relationships of protein composition, gluten structure and dough rheological properties with short biscuits quality of soft wheat varieties[J]. Agronomy journal, 2020,112:1921-1930.

(8) 夏树凤、王凡、王龙俊、周琴*、蔡剑、王笑、黄梅、戴廷波、姜东*. 江苏省小麦籽粒蛋白质达标弱筋小麦的适生性分析与评价[J]. 中国农业科学, 2020, 53(24):85-107.

(9) 杨涛,王沛,周琴*,王笑,蔡剑,黄梅,戴廷波,曹卫星,姜东*. 醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白配比对饼干品质的影响. 食品科学.2020,416):8-15

(10) 杨涛,周琴*,姜东*,王笑,蔡剑,黄梅,戴廷波,曹卫星. 灰色关联分析法在不同小麦品种饼干品质评价中的应用. 麦类作物学报,2020,404

(11) Qin Zhou, Mei Huang, Xin Huang, Jing Liu, Xiao Wang, Jian Cai*, Tingbo Dai, Weixing Cao, Dong Jiang*, Effect of post-anthesis waterlogging on biosynthesis and granule size distribution of starch in wheat grains, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018,132:222-228

(12) Q ZhouX LiJ YangL ZhouJ Cai. 2017. Spatial distribution patterns of protein and starch in wheat grain affect baking quality of bread and biscuit. Journal of Cereal Science 79 (2018) 362-369

(13) Zhou Q, Wu X, Xin L, et al. Waterlogging and simulated acid rain after anthesis deteriorate starch quality in wheat grain. Plant Growth Regulation, 2018, 85(2):257-265.

(14) Qin Zhou, Yuanyuan Wu, Zheng Chonglan, Xinghua Xing, Lixin Liu,Haidong Jiang*, Han Xing. Triadimefon Induced C and N Metabolism and Root Ultra-Structural Changes for Drought Stress Protection in Soybean at Flowering Stage. J Plant Growth Regul. (2016) 35:222–231

(15) Xiangnan Li, LongjingZhou, FulaiLiu, QinZhou*, JianCai , XiaoWang, TingboDai, WeixingCao and DongJiang*. Variations in Protein Concentration and Nitrogen Sources in Different Positions of Grain in Wheat. Frontiers in Plant Science.2016,7: 942